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Diets don’t work.
Eat In Peace

Learn how to eat the right amount of food for your body in our free mini course.

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    Is this you?

    You’re tired of obsessive thinking about food and your weight.

    You are frustrated with eating too much — or too little.

    You are ready to have eating be handled, instead of a constant source of tension and disappointment.

    I will show you the easy way to eat the right amount of food for your body.

    Are you ready?!

    You are not a failure about eating and your body. The information you were given failed you. GET SOME GOOD INFORMATION. This mini-course will orient you to:

    • Get your satiety signals back online.

    • Learn how self-criticism triggers your nervous system — and how to take charge of your inner critic.

    • Prevent overeating.

    • Have permission to eat with guardrails that work. 

    Eat in Peace

    Kind words from courageous clients

    “My shirts are getting too big. I am not afraid to be naked anymore. I have been wanting to feel this way my whole life.”

    “Sheira taught me about how to feel satisfied, and that was a game-changer.”  

    I stopped binging.”

    “Working with Sheira transformed my relationship with food, weight, and my body in ways I truly did not know were possible, and it is the best gift I have ever received. I have worked on this issue for decades. I felt hopeless that I could ever have peace or freedom in my relationship with food, weight, and my body. Sheira was the first person I ever met who had a brand new approach that was gentle, respectful, and works. For me, working with Sheira to Eat in Peace changed everything for me. I know this is how I am meant to eat and live, and I am very grateful for Sheira and the program developed.  I am so relieved to no longer carry this burden with me!”

    Free mini-course

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    Free mini-course

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    Meet the teacher

    Welcome! I’m Sheira Kahn, MFT

    Former Bulimic and Originator of Eat in Peace, a Method for Natural Eating. I have trained hundreds of clients and clinicians to understand and transform eating behaviors since 1999. I’m delighted to bring this body of work to the Internet and help more people combat the frustrations and misunderstandings of the diet mentality.

    Diets Don’t Work

    Eat In Peace

    Register for the free mini-course

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    Diets Don’t Work ✨ Eat In Peace ✨ Register for the free mini-course ✨ Start now! ✨

    Diets Don’t Work

    Eat In Peace

    Register for the free mini-course

    Start now!

    Diets Don’t Work ✨ Eat In Peace ✨ Register for the free mini-course ✨ Start now! ✨

    Eat in Peace shows courageous clients how to transform the relationship with food and their bodies.

    This new trust creates a sense of calmness and vitality that obviates the need for over- or undereating and is more delicious than any food.

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